To be successful in money matters, you need a strong motivation of steel of the strength of will and an irresistible desire to move only forward. If the person has set for itself the goal of catch the wave of the financial situation, which will servirn necessarily talismans to attract money and good luck. Not in vain, in the east were used as magnets of attraction for the financial well-being. Of course, you can get all of your own work, but with a bit of luck, this look would not hurt. The main condition for the mascot of the reality involved in the life of abundance is truly believe in the power of this object.

Lucky charms to attract money: the photo and the description
There are different charms to attract money. Some of them can be bought in the shops of esoterism and oriental culture. Lucky charms are also distinguished by the method of application. One of them must carry in the purse or in the office for the money in the bag, others stare are in the house, which acts as a magnet for the material well-being of the family.
Irredeemable ticket
The most simple talisman to attract money – Irredeemable ticket. The more their nominal value, the greater the benefit is going to hire. To do this, ideal for the cut resulting from the transaction, wages or fees. Also a good option is the amount donated along with the portfolio. Since the vacuum is not customary to give. Monetary the ticket is the larger of the nominal, it must be placed in a bag, separately from the main mass of the media. However, it is desirable that the had seen.
This must be done in rising or moon. When the money is better to have before your light, that will be filled with powerful energy attraction. And, of course, it is important to meet the main condition – not to waste one dollar bill, the circumstances do not hit him.
Ticket with the ability to encrypt
There is also the way of how to create a talisman to attract money from the resulting wages. You need to whole heap of choose the ticket of a dollar, the Spanish, and the code that is going to match the first few letters of its name, as well as with the date of birth. Totally adequate indication difficult to find. Therefore, it is perfect and part of the similarity. Following on libellum should do the magic ritual, which will give you lots of energy.
To do this, it is necessary to pass the oil of bergamot, and then rotate the tube and the thread palette of green color, and the ends of the knot of three. In the interior should be put in dry sage, and seal both sides of molten green wax. The talisman is necessary to firmly hide from an outsider's view, in an isolated place.
Feng shui and money

The growing popularity of buy amulets and talismans to attract money, taken from feng shui. Their diversity will help to choose. To attract wealth apply:
- 3 gold coins with a hole in the center, connected by a thread. Can bring or drop in value the sector of the house;
- the statuette in the form of tenens three tripods toad, lying in coins, in front of belly monk Khotey, sitting down with a bag of the wealth and the wisdom, and also of a sailing ship, stationed in the center of the room;
- decorative fountain or a miniature waterfall, which is the symbol of the cycle of finance;
- the tree, in the which instead of the leaves grow out of the coin;
- aquarium with colorful fish.
The color and the money
It is also considered that the clothing and accessories pink, green, gold and black are a magnet to attract money. These tones are often used in the interior of the area, responsible for the prosperity of the family.
We do the same amulet
If you do decide to make a talisman to attract money with their own hands, then it will be initially saturatioribus of your energy. This reinforces the magnetic properties, which effectively attract the financial flow in the life of a person. In general, only the fact personally, and with their hands of the pet, with all the rituals, ensures that it is going to work. The amulet, bought in a store, you can be the normal prizes of the production, not of the bearer of the absolute nothing of the potential energy.
To make a talisman to attract money, you will need: a candle of green wax, of the same square of the same material, a cloth of red color, eucalyptus sheet of metal of the largest coin of the nominal value, as well as the oil of bergamot.
The statement of creation of the mascot
- Do a ritual to attract money, it is recommended that the Thursday, when the moon is in the growth phase.
- When the clock displayed midnight, you should spread the tablecloth and light a candle, before which you should place the piece of fabric.
- In the middle there are that place the eucalyptus, which puts the currency.
- After this, you need to take before tablecloth and concentrate. Despite the currency, you should inténde in the consciousness of the sum of the funds.
- Next leaf of eucalyptus along with denarium put in doubt and say 3 times the spell of money to get, as well, as I want to. Then roll it on, and always to have him.
The bag
You can also make a talisman to attract money to the house, that in the family budget has never forefoot up to the hole. To do this, zoom in the option of the bag. It is necessary to take a small piece of fabric. With a needle and thread to sew him a simple bag.
In it you should place a penny to the ruble, asperget eucalyptus oil. After filling the bag, you must tie the red thread and place them in a secluded place, where no one can see you. To produce such a ritual is also needed on Thursday. Next weekly will be necessary to remove the pet and just have it in your hands, without revealing it. Therefore, it will be powered by its energy, and bring good luck. You can not make the talisman for someone. No value and magnetism of such a thing will not have.
The currency
Effective talisman to attract money in the portfolio – collected in any currency, with the exception of crossing. At midnight, in the rising of the moon (preferably Thursday), must light a candle. In this case you have to repeat 7 times the following words: "a Coin of loqui, to call your luck. The rest of the route to me is available and will come. My words are strong, the fire annealed itself strengthened by faith!" After making a candle that is left and ardet ex. The currency-the pet should always carry in your wallet.

There are also lists of lucky charms to attract money. This of the currency, through a hole in which the amet of red silk thread or ribbon. Similar to those of talisman is working on several fronts at the same time. The color red stimulates the flow of energy, coins are a magnet for money. This talisman is versatile and has a great strength. You can always carry, for example, in the portfolio, or place it in a secluded and protected from the prying eyes of place at work or at home.
If you decide that the pet is better to save in your home, the best thing for him will be cloth sleeping bag. It can be placed underneath the pot, where it grows a flower. The more it becomes more and more strong will be the impact of the pet of your financial situation. Only in him for a time towards for that to occur the exchange of energy.
The key and the runes
Talisman to attract money can be in the shape of a key of the safe, a closet or drawer where you store your tools. If you take it with you, therefore, lying in the binding energy, which is the driver of effective capacity-building in the housing. In the portfolio you can also put runes, attract financial of the wave - Othel and Fehu. It can be applied independently in fabric, leather or wood. Then put on transparent the department of portfolio.
For that money exactly come...
Apart from that there are lucky charms to attract money, there are still a number of recommendations that you can attach to affiliations. For example, you can sweep the crumbs from the table with empty hands, counting the money after the sunset, by the night, throw trash, to convey something through the threshold, the funds should not be based on the dead weight, so that will need to be removed periodically, to calculate and, of course, add. The best store finance, of course, is the bank. However, if your confidence even more than their cache – so be it.
The rules

To the general rules that help to attract money, refers to:
- the money loaned to someone, should be given tickets of lower denomination, and only in the rising of the moon, and it should be calculated in decrescentes;
- young in the month should also show the bag and blow the coins, along with it increases, and income;
- take the money you owe the pleasure, and give – without any regret.
- the tickets must be stored in the folded and tidy as, in general, in a way that has them eager to be with you;
- purse, it is recommended to buy red, black, gold or dark green;
- you can't store the trinket and the paper money in the same compartment. Whatever the favorite of the portfolio, when worn, worth immediately update.
And, finally, money comes to those who love them.